The socialization regarding the Hidden Nirvana Loh Buaya trekking rules in Komodo National Park was shared via an upload on the official Instagram account of the Komodo National Park Office. This trekking route is 1.07 kilometers long which will take tourists on an adventure to explore parts of the forest and savannas of the Loh Buaya valley.
The regulations for visiting the Loh Buaya Trekking Path in Komodo National Park are outlined in the Decree of the Head of the Komodo National Park Office Number: SK.25/T.17/TU/REN/3/2023, which concerns the arrangements for tourists at the Loh Buaya Resort, SPTN Region I, Komodo National Park Office. Below are the rules that tourists must adhere to when exploring the Loh Buaya Trekking Path :
Stay on designated paths: Tourists must stay on designated paths and not wander off into unauthorized areas. The park rangers will accompany visitors on the trekking path to ensure that they follow the designated route. This is to ensure the safety of both the tourists and the wildlife.
Do not feed the animals: Feeding the animals, especially the Komodo dragons, is strictly prohibited. It is dangerous for both the tourists and the animals, and it can also alter their natural behavior. Komodo dragons are carnivores and feed on deer, pigs, and other small mammals.
Keep a safe distance from the animals: Tourists must maintain a safe distance from the animals, especially the Komodo dragons. They are wild animals and can be unpredictable. Park rangers will ensure that visitors keep a safe distance from the animals and explain the risks of getting too close.
Do not touch or disturb the animals: Tourists must not touch or disturb the animals in any way. This includes not making loud noises or sudden movements that could startle the animals. Komodo dragons have a powerful bite that can cause serious injury or even death.
Do not litter: Visitors are reminded to take their trash with them and dispose of it in designated trash bins. Littering can harm the environment and wildlife, and visitors must respect the natural beauty of the park.
Follow the instructions of the park rangers: Park rangers are trained to ensure visitors' safety and protect the wildlife in the park. Visitors must follow their instructions at all times.
In conclusion, visiting the Loh Buaya Trekking Path in Komodo National Park is a unique and unforgettable experience. However, tourists must follow the rules and regulations to ensure that the animals and the environment are not harmed, and visitors can enjoy a safe and responsible visit.